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Blog Archives: May 2014

Open House and Community Party

May 27, 2014
Rev. Victor Martinez
This past Sunday Redeemer Presbyterian Church had the blessing to hold our first worship service in our own permanent space. We enjoyed a wonderful time of celebration starting with worship services and followed by a reception with food, a band, cake and a lot of good conversations. We are overjoyed that we now have a place in the very heart of the city! But, in order to be a place, it must be inhabited. Generally speaking, this is one of the most important questions a church can ask: What does it mean to be present as a church in our very ...

Express-News Article about Redeemer's Downtown Move

May 24, 2014
Make sure you read about Redeemer in the article by Abe Levy in today's edition of the Express-News: While Others Head North, One Presbyterian Church Takes Root Downtown

Grand Opening Worship & Celebration!

May 19, 2014
Rev. Dr. Tom Gibbs
It is with great joy and in an attitude of profound thanksgiving to God that I write, inviting you to Redeemer Presbyterian Church’s Grand Opening and Dedication of its new facility in downtown San Antonio on May 25th, 2014. The Psalmist declares: Oh sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless his name; Tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples! (Ps. 96:1-3) If you are relatively new to Redeemer Church, it may be ...

New Officer Candidates Announced!

May 06, 2014
Rev. Dr. Tom Gibbs
With all of the excitement about Redeemer’s upcoming transition, it is important that we not overlook this year’s slate of officer candidates, who will be voted on at a congregational meeting on June 1st following the 10:45 a.m. worship service. On May 1st, the Session announced to the congregation that John Browning, Jason Smith, Winston Meeker and Henry Sauer are candidates to serve on the Session as ruling elders. Having already served in this capacity, John Browning and Jason Smith are eligible to return to the Session. Jason Smith ...

Save The Date

May 01, 2014
Lizette Crosson
Online registration available now! Click on the card to register!

Building Update - May 1

May 01, 2014
Benjie Slaton
BUILDING UPDATE 4/30 As you have seen by now we have decided to set our move in dates.  May 25th will be our first worship service and reception in the new building!  Be on the look-out for information and updates related to the details of preparing for that exciting day. In terms of the on-going progress, there are lots of fun things to report.  The inside of the building is the furthest along.  In the Sanctuary the floors are being stained this week and the final wall coverings will be installed next week.  The rest of the upstairs is ...