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Introducing Tim Keller

April 29 2015
April 29 2015


Natalie and I were married in 1998. As a part of our pre-marital counseling, our pastor asked us to listen to some sermon tapes (yes, tapes) on marriage. It was a series of sermons given in 1991 from a pastor named Tim Keller. I had no idea who he was, only that he had really dated sermon jokes that people in the audience laughed at far too loudly. But, what I found on those tapes was an expression of marriage that I’d never considered. Marriage wasn’t going to be the answer to all my longings like I imagined. Rather, if done well, marriage did have the power to reveal God and his gracious love for me more clearly.

That was my introduction to Tim Keller. Since then, I’ve heard him preach and read a number of his books. From the church he started in New York City, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Tim’s ministry has gained a wide influence. In fact, while Redeemer here in San Antonio shares a name and denominational affiliation with his church, we more importantly share a way of thinking about church ministry. Keller’s work has become both a teacher and conversation partner for numerous areas of Redeemer’s church life.

One of my friends likes to say that the heart of the gospel is introducing our friends to our friends. God introduced his beloved Son to us, his beloved children. And we are the better for it. So, I’d love to introduce you to Tim Keller. I think you’ll be better for it. I’ll do so by offering a number of books to you on the book table. Perhaps you are very familiar with Keller already, perhaps not. Either way, these are books designed to capture your heart with the goodness of the gospel of Jesus and draw you into deeper life with him.

Specifically, I’d like to highlight three books (among the 8 selections on the book table).

  • The Prodigal God. This book is a fabulous introduction to the way Keller talks about Jesus. Beginning with the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Keller describes the overwhelming, unrestrained love of God for us in Christ Jesus.
  • Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering. This is one of a few newly published books that build on particular aspects of the Christian experience. Keller reflects on many decades of pastoral experience to help us wrestle with the realities of living in a world that disappoints and hurts us. It will be true care for the troubled soul.
  • The Meaning of Marriage. This book is an updated version of the materials I listened to from 1991. Thankfully he’s updated the cultural references and he even dives into the current questions of our time regarding sexuality and singleness in a way that both confronts our wrong impulses and affirms the deep desires that continue to drive us toward romantic love. It will challenge and encourage you whether you’ve been married a long time, or a single person wondering if you will ever marry again, or for the first time.

So, take some time this summer to say hello to Tim Keller and let him point your heart back to Jesus.


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