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Holy Week at Redeemer

Holy Week is a special time at Redeemer. During this week our anticipation for and celebration of the resurrection reaches its highest point. Each of these special services reminds us of the journey our Savior took during this momentous week - riding into Jerusalem to the shouts of Hosanna, sharing his last meal with his disciples, suffering the terror of crucifixion and going into the grave and then rising up on Resurrection Sunday, thus breaking the grip of sin and death. It is hoped that you will take advantage of these opportunities so that your worship and discipleship of our Lord might deepen.

holy week 2024 service schedule

March 24 ............. 9:15 & 11 a.m............. Palm Sunday Services

March 28 .............. 6:30 p.m............ Maundy Thursday Service

March 29 .............. 6:30 p.m............. Good Friday Service

March 31 ............. 9:15 & 11 a.m............. Easter Celebration Service

All Holy Week services will be livestreamed HERE.

The Redeemer Nursery is open for all Holy Week services.