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Blog Archives: March 2021

Rev. Matthew Beham assumes new responsibilities; Oscar Palin to join RPC staff as Director of Youth

March 29, 2021
As we continue to prepare for the transition of our our senior pastor to a new role in ministry, Rev. Matthew Beham, RPC Pastor of Children’s and Youth Ministries, will assume new and expanded pastoral leadership duties at Redeemer. After preaching on Easter Sunday, RPC Senior Pastor Tom Gibbs will go on sabbatical in preparation for his transition to the presidency of Covenant Theological Seminary. He will return on May 24th, and his last Sunday in the pulpit at RPC will be June 20th. As Pastor Gibbs begins his sabbatical, Pastor Beham will ...

Jacob Tilton to join RPC as Director of Music Ministry

March 24, 2021
Haley Wachdorf
Redeemer is pleased to announce that Jacob Tilton will join the Redeemer staff in June as RPC Director of Music Ministry. Jacob has served as music director at Fort Worth Presbyterian Church since 2006. He is a native of Sulphur, Louisiana and met his wife of 23 years, Kerrie, also a Louisiana native, when they were both college students at McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana. The Tiltons have three children: Emma, 20; Eli, 18; and Annalise, 16. Before moving to Texas, the family lived in Jackson, Mississippi, where Jacob ...

March 17 Update from The Pulpit Committee

March 17, 2021
Greetings Redeemer members and friends, As a Pulpit Committee, we have begun the work of finding our next Senior Pastor. We are still in the early stages of a more extensive process, but we have reached two important milestones that establish critical building blocks for the future success of the search process. First, we have engaged the services of a consulting firm to assist in the search process. McGowan and Associates has decades of experience helping PCA churches conduct successful searches for their next Senior Pastor. We and the ...

Children's Ministry Updates

March 10, 2021
Melanie Hsieh
Greetings from Redeemer Children’s Ministries! As I have said many times in the last year, we miss seeing the faces of our children and volunteers in our classrooms. So it is with great joy that I bring you updates about plans to reopen Training in the Pews this spring and hold Vacation Bible School this summer! Our goal is always to tell the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord (Psalm 78:4), so that our children grow in gospel freedom through the knowledge and truth of God’s written word. Training in the Pews resumes Sunday, ...