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Blog Archives: April 2017

Living the Resurrection

April 18, 2017
Rev. Dr. Tom Gibbs
This Sunday, Redeemer will embark on a new sermon series considering what the resurrection means and how it applies to our lives. Question 45 of The Heidelberg Catechism asks, “How does Christ’s resurrection benefit us?” The answer reads, “First, by his resurrection he has overcome death, so that he might make us share in the righteousness he won for us by his death. Second, by his power we too are already now resurrected to a new life. And third, Christ’s resurrection is a guarantee of our glorious resurrection.” We are used to hearing ...

The Seeking Shepherd

April 12, 2017
Rev. Dr. Tom Gibbs
With heart-piercing beauty, Christina Rosetti reminds us on this Holy Week that even our capacity to appreciate the anguish of Christ's suffering on the cross and to rest in its momentous achievement is a work of God's saving grace. We remain dependent upon his sovereign initiative. Left to ourselves, our hearts remain stony and indifferent to Jesus' costly love. Yet, when they are stricken with God's unyielding truth and mercy, living waters begin to gush in heart-felt wonder, thankfulness and praise. The Good Shepherd is both the ...

Expecting the good news.

April 07, 2017
Haley Wachdorf
This week I heard a piece of good news. It was a simple piece of news that took about four words to convey and does not impact me directly. But I knew it was news that had been hoped for a long time, and maybe because of that, hearing it was overpoweringly good. I jumped up out of my chair and clapped and was inappropriately loud in an office setting. I texted my husband on a business trip to tell it to him, too. And as we texted back and forth I told him “I was surprised by how much I had wanted to hear some good news.” I think ...

Singing on Palm Sunday!

April 03, 2017
Sarah Beaugh
Children in Pre-K through first grade are invited to sing in the Palm Sunday service on Sunday, April 9. Children who wish to sing may be dropped off in the Training in the Pews room by 8:45 a.m. before the first service or 10:30 a.m. before the second service. Children are welcomed to participate in both services or just one. We will practice, line up, and the children will receive their palm branches for the service. They will enter and exit the sanctuary together. You can meet your children in the foyer after they have exited the ...