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Blog Archives: May 2018

Seeking Racial Reconciliation

May 31, 2018
Haley Wachdorf
This summer, Redeemer is inviting the congregation into a conversation about the implications of the Gospel for racial divisions in our churches, city and country, and what it looks like to be a church that lives out Biblical reconciliation. The Presbyterian Church in America has wrestled with this question for years, but in a more intentional way since 2016, when the 43rd General Assembly approved a resolution repenting of the denomination’s sin during the civil rights era. The resolution lamented that some founding fathers of the PCA ...

New Duties Announced for Assistant Pastor Matt Beham

May 31, 2018
Rev. Dr. Tom Gibbs
I am pleased to announce that Youth Pastor Matt Beham will assume pastoral oversight for Redeemer’s nursery and children’s ministries beginning June 4th. These are additional responsibilities for Matt, and which were previously under the pastoral direction of departing pastor, Benjie Slaton. Bringing together Redeemer’s youth and children’s ministries in this way serves our entire program of discipleship for children under the age of 18. Additionally, this will provide Redeemer’s incoming Assistant Pastor of Congregational Life, Brad ...

RPC Youth Staff Update

May 10, 2018
Rev. Matt Beham
I am excited to announce to Redeemer Youthies, parents and the congregation that Redeemer has hired a new full-time member of the Youth Staff, and has also hired a new Youth Intern. Julianne Atkinson will be a full time member of the Redeemer Youth staff. Julianne has been a volunteer with the Redeemer senior high youth group for a year. I am so thankful for the relationships she has built with the young women of our congregation in that time, and I am thrilled that in this role she can further develop her discipleship and counseling of ...

2018 Officer Elections

May 02, 2018
Rev. Dr. Tom Gibbs
This week, the Session had the privilege of sitting down with those who have most recently completed officer training at Redeemer and is pleased to announce their candidacy for office in the class of 2021. Elections will be held on Sunday, June 3rd, immediately following the 10:45 a.m. worship service. Candidates for the session include new elder candidate David Schwab and returning elders John Browning, Henry Sauer and Winston Meeker. New candidates for the diaconate are Chris Allen, Eric Arguello and Alex Beaugh. Craig Goedecke is a ...