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Changes to Service Times in 2023

December 01 2022
December 01 2022


Mark your calendars: Starting Sunday, January 8th, Redeemer's first worship service will start at 9:15 a.m. The second worship service starts at 11 a.m. Spiritual Formation classes for adults and our Christian Education program for children will remain at 11 a.m.

Dear Redeemer Family and Friends,

I am writing to announce two exciting new changes for gathered worship beginning on January 8th, 2023. First, we are changing the start time of our early worship service on Sunday morning to 9:15 a.m.

A few days ago, I was talking to a family about one of the things that made Redeemer stand out to them. They shared that in most of their church experiences, the moment worship was over, they left the sanctuary and went to their cars. On the Sunday of their first visit to Redeemer, following their normal routine, this couple left right after the benediction. They arrived at their car and realized that no one else was in the parking lot. At that moment, they knew something was different about Redeemer. As they continued to visit, they found Redeemer to be a warm and welcoming church, where people wanted to linger after the service to chat and enjoy one another.

This openness and warmth is one of the core values at Redeemer, and we want to lean into this special part of our church. Changing the service time to allow fifteen extra minutes between the 9:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. service will give us space to mingle with each other before Christian Education begins. It will give our members the chance to greet old friends, and welcome new ones, as well as giving our pastors and volunteers more time to prepare for the second service. I pray this will be a true blessing to our church and continue our tradition of openness and warmth.

We are also making a change to the schedule for Training in the Pews (TIP) for children ages 4-6. Starting January 8th, we will offer Training in the Pews in the first service every Sunday, but will only offer Training in the Pews in the second service when there is no CE. In the school year, we encourage our families to worship together during the first service, and then attend CE during the second service. During the summer and most school breaks, we will offer TIP during both worship services.

We pray that these changes would further the mission and vision of Redeemer, deepen our culture of hospitality, and enhance our ability to teach our families the gospel, all for God’s glory. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the church office.

For the Kingdom,

Rev. Matt Beham


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