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In-Person Worship Suspended

June 26 2020
June 26 2020


Dear members and attenders,

Like you, I and the Session have been monitoring very closely the surge in COVID-19 cases in San Antonio. Though unwanted, this spike is upon our city and led the Session to meet earlier this afternoon. After discussion, the Session concluded to suspend in-person worship immediately until further notice and return to live-streaming the worship service at 11:00 a.m. on Facebook, YouTube and the Redeemer website. Therefore, this plan now supersedes previous decisions regarding congregational groupings for worship services.

This decision is unfortunate and is being made in spite of the Session’s appreciation for the congregation’s response to the previous weeks’ in-person worship services. The Session feels that the social-distancing practices as observed by the congregation have ensured that Redeemer members and friends were able to worship safely. Nevertheless, given how significant this current surge is, the strong desire to serve our city and neighbors, and also, not to contribute to overwhelming the health care system, the Session determined that it is best for the Redeemer community to suspend in-person worship at this time.

Lamentably, the events of the past week have reminded us that we are still negotiating COVID-19. I am sure that there will be other fits and starts as we make our way through the remainder of this year. Your Session asks for your continued patience, but please know that we are seeking your safety first and desire to serve our city in a way that honors the Lord Jesus Christ and that salvation he brought to us.

As always, if you have any questions please reach out to me.

For Christ, our Redeemer,


The Rev. Dr. Thomas C. Gibbs
Senior Pastor
Redeemer Presbyterian Church


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