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Urgent Prayer for Ukraine Missionaries

February 24 2022
February 24 2022


Members and Friends,

By now I’m sure you are aware of the developing situation in Ukraine. Russian forces have committed attacks within the borders of the sovereign nation and as of now there is no end in sight. As we continue to pray for peace, it is important to remember that we have several Mission to the World (MTW) partners in Ukraine. They are currently safe and serving the needs of their families, church members, friends, and neighbors.

Redeemer’s partnership with several Ukrainian missionaries, especially those in the western city of L’Viv, goes back over a decade. We have prayed much, made vision trips, led training seminars, provided medical support, sent teams to summer camps for college students, and provided financial support to the construction of the Church of the Holy Trinity building in L’Viv. It has been a joy to see God working through the missionary families who have dedicated their lives to sharing the Gospel in this beautiful country. With each new trip and interaction, we got a glimpse of the vibrant culture and people of Ukraine, many of whom have become our friends. It is disheartening to see these wonderful people and their culture under attack.

And yet in the face of the anxiety and uncertainty of this moment, God’s work continues. Missionary families in L’Viv, our friends on the ground, are working to be a calming presence to church members, neighbors, and acquaintances. Team members are coordinating the emergency response, preparing their own homes and the Church of the Holy Trinity building to provide meals, supplies, and respite for those fleeing violence in the east, north, and south. Several team members have reported that even though the anxiety is high, they are sustained by hope in the sovereign power and mercy of our God while laboring tirelessly to serve the people of Ukraine.

How can you help?

Pray. Pray for peace: that the hearts of those making war would turn away from hostility. Pray for the leaders and people of Ukraine: wisdom, safety, and a deep longing for the peace that surpasses all understanding. Pray for the team and their families: protection, wisdom, energy, patience, and skill as they support a growing number of people in physical and spiritual need. Pray for their rest in God’s sovereign grace.

Give. Supplies and preparations are being gathered to help with the influx of people. More are needed. You can give directly to the L’Viv Team Fund through MTW’s website.

Let us now turn to our God, praying for ongoing protection for our friends in Ukraine:

But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you. For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield. – Psalm 5:11-12 (ESV)

Victor Martinez

Associate Pastor of Mission and Cultural Engagement


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